Phi Delta Theta’s New Year Resolution

How many of us set New Year’s resolutions goals each year, only to forget about them halfway through January? We know we are guilty of that! But this year our goal is to help Phi Delta Theta brothers stay more connected. Keep reading below to learn of upcoming events and for some tips on how to stay better connected as we head into 2024.  

The 34th Phi Open will be held on Saturday, July 27, 2024! We are still on involuntary sabbatical from the Purdue course, so the outing will once again be held at Coyote Crossing Golf Club in West Lafayette. Details will be forthcoming, but everything will generally follow our traditional schedule.

Looking for a pal that you lost touch with after graduation, don’t worry, we have you covered! Log in and head to the Directory tab on the home page, then from there you can search for all your long-lost pals from over the years.   

Already planning a reunion or small get together this summer? Send us a message by heading to the Submit an Update page on the website. We will share it in our next communications. This is also a great place to share your updates with your brothers!  

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