
Phi Delta Theta is Grateful for You
We want to wish all our current Indiana Theta Chapter undergraduates as well as all of our alumni members a Happy Thanksgiving. The holiday season is always a time of reflection, celebration, memories and most importantly, gratitude. Whether it be

Join Giving Tuesday on November 28
As the season of giving approaches, we would like to extend our heartfelt invitation to participate in Giving Tuesday, scheduled for November 28th. This special occasion provides an excellent opportunity for us to come together as members of the Indiana

Homecoming 2023 at the Phi Lodge
Another full house at the Phi Lodge for Homecoming 2023. Chef Dave cooked a great lunch for over 100 Phis and spouses, including Actives and Pledges. We recognized Jim Stoddard’s many contributions to our Chapter over the years by inducting

Alumni in Action 2023
The 17th annual Alumni in Action Day was held on the Friday of Homecoming weekend, September 28th. Given this convenient timing, and terrific weather, we had a nice turn out of alumni, as well as a very strong participation level

Homecoming at Purdue Through the Ages
Year after year, thousands of students and alumni take the opportunity to join together and celebrate Purdue’s homecoming. Have you been back to West Lafayette lately? Phi Delta Theta wants to hear from you! What is the best place to

Where in the World Are Phi Delta Theta Brothers?
Have you used our Indiana Theta directory lately? Our website has a full directory of our alumni – including the people who made your undergrad years so unforgettable. Take some time to reconnect. Here’s some tips on ways to search for