How Do Phi Delta Theta’s Core Values Play a Role in Your Life Today?

We recently asked each of our fellow brothers “How do Phi Delta Theta’s core values play a role in your life today?” Several brothers responded, including Brother Andrew Schulenburg ’10, who stated “I learned the value of hearing a different perspective or opinion.”

Here’s what some other brothers had to say:

“Lifelong friends made and kept.”
-Stephen Cox ’69

“Happily after working for 36 years with one company I was able to retire in January 2015. For those brothers who were with me during my 5-1/2 year tenure as a Phi trying to make it through Purdue, you may find it hard to believe I was able to remember anything concerning Phi Delta Theta, or that I had any values whatsoever let alone “core” ones! After I had graduated and started my career, I kept remembering “not only, not less, but greater than it was transmitted to me” for some reason, (maybe the line ups?) and realized that it could pertain to the business you were employed in, as well as a fraternity. Good advice from sage men.”
-Eric Belke ’75

“Even as pledges we were never ‘preached to’. All my active mentors were not “rah, rah” leaders who talked the talk, but they all walked the walk. As with my parents growing up, my greatest concern was always to conduct myself in a manner so as NOT to bring any embarrassment or disappointment on my family or my fraternity.”
-Michael Miller ’67

“It helped me to work with others in developing mutual tasks as well as personal desires.”
-Albert Geis ’53

“It made me understand the following quote: “There is no right way to do the wrong thing, so don’t try to invent one.”
-Harry Schaefer ’64

How do our core values play a role in your life? Submit your story here (don’t forget to include some old photos!) or let us know in the Facebook comment box below.